New website about activities in Estartit and Costa Brava
Do you know that during your visit to our rental apartments in Estartit there are many activities that you can enjoy?
So that you don’t miss any of the activities available, the Council of Baix Empordà has launched a new channel on their web to inform you of the sports and activities taking place in the area.
Through this web channel, the user can access information regarding all kinds of nature activities such as hiking, cycling or mountain biking; as well as swimming or running. In addition, various activities are identified by their participation format: runs, walks, etc. whether they are meant for general public or professional.
The user can also filter the search by town, type of activity or competition date. All information is fully updated as it is provided by the regional Tourists Offices.
This tool is the result of the growing demand related to these activities. Thus, if you are staying in our rental apartments in Estartit, and want to plan any kind of activity, this tool will be helpful to you.
Here is the link: http://www.visitemporda.com/marxes/