Figueres and the Dali museum-theatre
Figueres is the capital of Alt Emporada, located 43 kilometers from the holiday apartments Sa Gavina Medes and Sa Gavina Gaudi in Estartit.
A visit to Figueres is recommended to all families who are staying in our apartments and anywhere on the Costa Brava.
Figueres is a municipality of 43,000 inhabitants with an important industrial, touristic and comerical trade, where important figures in history were born such as Narcis Monturiol , inventor of the first manned submarine and Salvador Dali.
Salvador Dalí (1904 – 1989) is recognized as one of the most surreal artists and his works are exhibited worldwide.
The Dali Museum – Theatre was opened in 1974 and exhibits 1,500 works of all kinds such as painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture etc. as well as works by other artists who Dali wanted to be displayed such as Antoni Pixot and Evarist Valles and his own private collection of works by El Greco and Modest Urgell, amongest others.
In addition to this monumental heritage of Figueres a visit to the church of Sant Pere is also recommended and the Castle of San Fernando, visit the city center where there are many brand shops, Figueres being close to the border with France is frequently visited by French tourists.
Also very important are the festivals of the Holy Cross in the first week of May and in which exhibitions of handicrafts, drawing, painting, etc …can be seen and purchased as well as concerts and attractions.
Gastronomy is a major tourist attraction with traditional dishes from meat dishes to sweet sausage, Figueres onions to the fish dishes of the Costa Brava. Another dish is the “sea and mountain”: chicken with prawns or lobster with snails or cuttlefish with peas.