37th edition of the festival of Torroella de Montgri

For the lovers of classical music and choral music who spend their vacations in the rental apartments, Sa Gavina, in the Estartit, you have an appointment with the Festival of Torroella de Montrgí that will be celebrated between the 28 of July and the 20 of August.

This Festival, which was started in 1981, is a member of the European Festival Association and also a member of the board of directors of “FestClasica”, as well as actively collaborating with Unesco’s chair of cultural policies at the University of Girona.

Recently, the Festival has received the EFFE Label 2017-2018 which recognizes the artistic quality and is considered one of the best festivals in Europe. And that is because the Festival of Torroella de Montgrí has been ​​highlighted in its previous editions for being a meeting point for a diverse audience,  where special importance is attached to the relationship between young artists and other professionals already consolidated. It also well known for the solidity of the facilities where the programmed performances are presented.

A complete musical program

This year’s edition, pays tribute to the pianist “Joaquin Achúcarro” from Bilbao, here classical music returns to take special prominence, thanks to seven concerts with three main subjects: Bach, Monteverdi and Telemann. Also, musicians like Haydn, Mozart or Beethoven, will be represented, by the musical group “Academy 1750”.

Chamber music will also be part of the program, as well as a new act,  performed by “Soqquadro Italiano”, a group specializing in singing, dance, music and theatre, which will offer a more contemporary version of Vivaldi’s “Stabat Mater”.

Finally, internationally renowned performers such as “Jordi Savall”, “Grigory Sokolov” and “La Maquiné”, which have numerous awards in their history, are also included in the list of performances during the Festival.

For more information about the Festival and the purchase of tickets or subscriptions, you can check the official website of the Festival: http://www.festivaldetorroella.cat/