L’Estartit 2020 Carnival – February 2020

We are already at the gates of the carnival, when the streets of l’Estartit will be dressed in a thousand colours. Partying and fun will take over the streets of the town on 21st and 23rd February, to celebrate Carnival 2020.

Next, the programme of the Carnival of l’Estartit 2020:

Friday 21st February 2020 (Carnival in schools)

10 a.m.– Escola Portitxol: Departure in parades with the costumes of the students of the Escola Portitxol and Escola bressol Mar i Cel with QUIN SARAU!

10:30 a.m.– Plaça de l’Església: Family entertainment show with QUIN SARAU!

Sunday 23 February 2020

9 a.m.Zona esportiva dels Salats (Skateparc): Wake up and parade with the RETUMBATUKA batukada and Els PIRAT’S de l’Estartit.

10:30 a.m.Plaça Jacques Cousteau: Popular “Xocolalata”.

11:30 a.m.Sortida de la cercavila fins al Port: Batukada RETUMBA TUKA, ELS PIRAT’S de l’Estartit and l’AIXA.

1 p.m.Plaça del Port: Popular “Sardinada”. To participate you must buy the tickets the same day. Price: 2 euros per sardine portion. There will be bar service, tables and chairs available to the public.

4 p.m.Cercavila des del Port a la plaça Jacques Cousteau: Batukada Retumba Tuka and Els PIRAT’S de l’Estartit and l’AIXA and all the costumes.

5 p.m.Plaça Jacques Cousteu: Concert with UnderRabit.