Boat trips and big fish game during your stay in SA Gavina apartments in Estartit

Take advantage of your stay in Sa Gavina Apartments in Estartit for making a boat trip or big game fishing.

There are many different options at your disposal to enjoy a family day in one of the most popular and appealing activities on the Costa Brava.

On board of a “llaut”, a local traditional boat of fishermen you will not only cross the fabulous and legendary “rock holes” but you will also contemplate the seabed off the coast and islands.

And why not to enrol in a real pirate boat? An excursion to the Montgrí coast, swimming in the area of “Falaguer” and browsing the Natural Reserve of the Medes Islands.

If you just want to feel like a real fisherman, you can go on a big game fishing excursion.

For further information, you can check the following link: