Palamos prawns and your stay in Sa gavina apartments in Estartit

During your stay in Sa Gavina Apartments in Estartit its worth to pay a visit to the Fair “Gamba de Palamós” (Prawn fair of Palamós), held every year in June.  Last year Palamós prawns where included in the local brand “Products of Empordà”

This brand gathers typical products of our area such as Pals rice, the sweet sausage, bunyols of Empordà, Figueres onion, fresh chesse and the stuffed apple of Vilabertran.

The incorporation of Palamós prawns allows enhance the value of ensuring product quality and prestige in order to improve their promotion and knowledge. The brand ensures that all its products are produced or processed locally in the Empordà region following local traditions. Producers also have to undertake periodical controls by a food laboratory to certify the quality of the different phases of the product.

The prawns are a highlight for Palamós and are promoted in the annual fair by the fishing harbour. In this fair participate different profiles of expositors such us distributors, fishermen and restaurants

Whenever your stay in the Sa Gavina rental apartments in Estartit, don’t miss the chance to try out the fantastic Palamós prawns. You will not regret!