The Sant Genís Festival is here!
Sant Genís Festival Programme
From 21 to 29 August, Torroella de Montgrí Town Council, in collaboration with various sports, youth and cultural entities, has organised the Sant Genís festival. In order to do it well, all the events have been adapted to the security and prevention measures required by the current pandemic situation.
It is a programme designed for all audiences. The proposed activities are designed so that adults, young people and even the youngest ones can enjoy as much as possible during these eagerly awaited days. There will be family shows, exhibitions, popular culture events, music and concerts, theatre and much more. Besides, from 24th to 30th August there will be a family gymkhana entitled “Where are the giants?”, which will consist of looking for clues, doing tests and copying the messages that the children find at each point and getting their gift when they have got all of them.
In order to participate, it is necessary to buy a ticket in advance, as the capacity of the events is limited. If you are wondering how to do it, the best thing to do is to visit the following link, where you can download the programme of the Sant Genís festival.
All this would not have been possible without the following collaborators: Associació del Llibre de Festa Major; Casal del Montgrí; Club Tennis Taula de Torroella de Montgrí; Associació Món Empordà; Amics dels Gegants i Capgrossos de Torroella de Montgrí; Grallers del Montgrí, Xatis i Xanquers; Ducs del Foc; Associació Racó de Rialles; Coral Anselm Viola; Club Rugby senglars; Bàsquet Club Torroella; Club Handbol Montgrí; Escola de Futbol Baix Ter; Indiketes del Montgrí; CE Torroellenc de Futbol Sala “Penya Barcelonista Montgrí i Comarca”; Unió Esportiva Torroella.
Sa Gavina Apartments
The town of Empordà has everything ready to enjoy a very special time. And you, do you have everything ready? If you still haven’t booked your flat for this summer in this area, click on the following link.
We are only 10 minutes by car from Torroella de Montgrí!
Don’t think twice and come and disconnect for a few days in our apartments.
Photography: https://www.agendatorroella.com/ca/programacio/c/4789-festa-major-de-sant-genis.html