Festival of Sant Antoni Abat
The festival of Sant Antoni Abat will be held on January 16th
Next Sunday, 16th January 2022, the festival of Sant Antoni Abat will take place in l’Estartit. The aim is to honour and remember this saint, patron saint of animals.
It is an event that revolves around each and every one of them, which was key for many towns in the past. For this reason, the activities that take place during the festival are related to pets.
The events to be held will be as follows:
- 12:00 h – Vermouth concert with Cat Klezmer Trio. At noon there will be a vermouth with live music in the Plaça de l’Església in l’Estartit organised by JJMM of Torroella de Montgrí and EMD of l’Estartit.
Cat Klezmer Trio is the music group that will welcome the party. Its members are Xavi Pendón (clarinet and tenora), Xavi Torras (guitar) and Jordi Aldunate (double bass).
- 13:00 h – Departure of mascots and companions. At around one o’clock the walk will start at Plaça 1 d’Octubre in l’Estartit with the animals to Plaça de l’Església.
- 13:15 h – Blessing of the pets and companions. Finally, in the Plaça de l’Església of l’Estartit, the religious acts will take place where the people present will be blessed in order to preserve their health.
Organisers and collaborators of the Sant Antoni Abat festival
The event has been made possible thanks to the Entitat Municipal Descentralizada de l’Estartit and the Diputació de Girona and the collaboration of several associations. Among them are: Amics Protectors Dels Animals (APDA), Club Hípic Estartit Mas Paguina, l’Associació animalista l’Estartit Gats and l’Associació Tir Olimpic.
If you want more information you can access the following link
To download the programme click here
Photography: www.agendatorroella.com